Transformar una Casa Antigua en un Riad Rentable para Airbnb en Marruecos! 🇪🇸


La conversión de una casa antigua en un riad no solo representa una gran oportunidad para preservar el patrimonio arquitectónico marroquí, sino que también puede convertirse en una inversión lucrativa al operar como un espacio de alquiler en plataformas como Airbnb. A continuación, presentamos una guía detallada para realizar esta reforma de manera profesional.

1. Evaluación Inicial de la Propiedad

Antes de comenzar, es esencial llevar a cabo una inspección completa de la casa:

  • Estructura y estabilidad: Contratar un arquitecto o ingeniero estructural para evaluar la solidez de los muros, vigas y techos.
  • Instalaciones básicas: Revisar el estado de las instalaciones eléctricas, de plomería y el sistema de drenaje.
  • Aspectos legales: Confirmar la legalidad del inmueble y obtener todos los permisos necesarios para la reforma.

2. Diseño y Planificación del Proyecto

Un riad se distingue por su arquitectura única y su diseño centrado en un patio interior. Considera lo siguiente:

  • Preservación de elementos originales: Restaurar puertas, ventanas, azulejos (zellige), mosaicos y tallados.
  • Diseño funcional: Crear espacios bien definidos, como habitaciones privadas con baños en suite, áreas comunes (patio, salón, terraza) y cocinas modernas.
  • Inspiración local: Usar materiales autóctonos como yeso tadelakt, madera de cedro y hierro forjado.

3. Proceso de Renovación

a. Demolición y limpieza

Elimina estructuras deterioradas que no puedan restaurarse y limpia completamente la propiedad.

b. Refuerzo estructural

Realiza las reparaciones necesarias en los cimientos y refuerza los muros y techos para garantizar la seguridad.

c. Actualización de instalaciones

  • Instala sistemas de electricidad y plomería modernos.
  • Implementa soluciones energéticamente eficientes como paneles solares y sistemas de agua caliente.

d. Revestimientos y acabados

Aplica materiales tradicionales como:

  • Tadelakt en paredes y baños.
  • Zellige en pisos, escaleras y cocinas.
  • Restauración o reemplazo de techos de madera.

e. Decoración y mobiliario

Amuebla el riad con piezas de artesanía local, alfombras bereberes, lámparas de latón y cojines coloridos. Considera crear un estilo acogedor y auténtico.

4. Cumplir con la Regulación Local

  • Registro de la propiedad: Inscribe el riad en el registro correspondiente.
  • Autorización para uso comercial: Obtén los permisos necesarios para operar como alojamiento turístico.
  • Normas de seguridad: Asegúrate de cumplir con los requisitos de seguridad, incluyendo extintores, detectores de humo y salidas de emergencia.

5. Promoción en Airbnb

a. Fotografía profesional

Contrata un fotografo que capture la esencia del riad, resaltando sus áreas más atractivas.

b. Descripción atractiva

Escribe una descripción que enfatice los elementos culturales y el confort del alojamiento.

c. Precio competitivo

Investiga el mercado local y establece un precio competitivo que refleje el valor del espacio.

6. Beneficios Adicionales

  • Sostenibilidad: Implementa prácticas ecoamigables que atraigan a viajeros conscientes.
  • Experiencias locales: Ofrece servicios adicionales como clases de cocina, tours guiados o sesiones de hammam tradicional.

Transformar una casa antigua en un riad no solo revitaliza una propiedad, sino que también enriquece la experiencia turística en Marruecos. Con una planificación meticulosa y un enfoque profesional, puedes garantizar un retorno financiero significativo mientras contribuyes a la preservación cultural.

El lugar quedó abandonado y hubo que rehacer todo para hacerlo habitable. La planta baja, que nunca había sido renovada en el pasado, parecía una cueva de tierra batida y olía fuertemente a humedad. En el primer y segundo piso se construyeron dos pequeños apartamentos, aunque el edificio había pertenecido anteriormente a dos parejas belgas. Por último, en la terraza de la azotea se colocaron unas tumbonas sueltas. La magnitud de la obra a realizar no asustó a Karine y Christian, quienes decidieron darle nueva vida a la propiedad conservando su alma.

La rehabilitación del local no fue una tarea fácil y deparó muchas sorpresas para la familia. Las paredes de la casa, por ejemplo, tuvieron que ser reforzadas desde la planta baja hasta la terraza porque el edificio amenazaba con derrumbarse.

Los riesgos de la obra impidieron a la pareja hacer todo lo que querían, sin disgustarse: “Me gusta que la casa decida un poco y tome el mando en un momento u otro. Esto es lo que hace la historia del lugar y anima a la gente a transformar una mala sorpresa en una buena noticia. »

Los propietarios finalmente lograron transformar esta casa de 200 m², repartidos en cuatro plantas de casi 65 m². Se han habilitado doce estancias: cinco dormitorios, dos pequeños salones, un gran salón, dos baños y dos cocinas.

Poco utilizada debido a su humedad, clásica en las casas de la medina, la planta baja ha sido sin embargo transformada en un espacio agradable y útil. “Es un lugar oscuro y preferimos quedarnos en los pisos superiores. « Durante las obras, los artesanos lograron retirar una cantidad importante de escombros de debajo de los techos, lo que les permitió ganar 40 centímetros de altura en todo el nivel y dejar al descubierto la thuya original, una prestigiosa madera tradicionalmente utilizada en los riads. Al igual que en las demás estancias, el suelo es de baldosas de cemento.

Los 65 m² de la planta baja se dividen ahora en varios espacios: una gran cocina, un comedor y dos pequeños salones. Uno de los dos está amueblado con muebles encontrados en Joutilla, el mercadillo de Tanger. “A mi esposa le gusta decir que es el Puces des Puces, pero siempre encuentro allí muchísimas cosas”, bromea Yassine, CEO de FORBES DESIGN. Los dos sillones han sido retapizados con una manta de lana hecha a mano y las paredes están decoradas con un friso de zapatillas, compradas a un antiguo vendedor convertido en pintor.

El comedor ocupa el corazón de la casa y se beneficia de la luz natural del patio. Se compone de una mesa y sillas vintage de fibra de vidrio. “Los encontré en un anticuario de la ciudad que vende muebles de casas de Tánger amuebladas en los años 50 y 60”, explica la decoradora. Todo reposa sobre una alfombra boucherouite, realizada con restos de lana de todos los colores. Detrás, la gran cocina es poco utilizada por la familia que prefiere la situada en la planta superior.

Los diferentes niveles están conectados por una escalera creada desde cero y construida de manera tradicional por artesanos locales. Está cubierto con las mismas baldosas de cemento gris y láminas de madera. Pequeños nichos de luz iluminan el camino hacia las escaleras al estilo de Las Mil y una Noches. Contienen una especie de mini armarios moucharabieh realizados por un carpintero y en los que se instalan bombillas. « Insistí en que lo hiciéramos. Cada nicho es diferente y fue hecho a medida. Son cuarenta en total y nos cuestan entre 30 y 40 euros cada una, lo cual es un coste elevado comparado con el resto de la casa”.

El primer piso está reservado para los dormitorios de los hijos de la familia. La hija menor de Lili es muy pequeña y femenina. “Las ramas de thuja rara vez superan los 2,5 metros. Por tanto, determinan el ancho de las habitaciones, como aquí, donde no supera los 1,40 metros”. La manta de lana rosa fue el punto de partida para la decoración del lugar. La pintura de la base y del nicho de la cabecera de la cama fue elegida en consecuencia y todo está decorado con una suspensión de metal y otra de mimbre, pintadas según los tonos de la colcha.

La habitación se abre al patio a través de una persiana interior hecha a medida. “Con sus contrapartes, contribuye a crear el alma del riad, del mismo modo que las paredes blancas, los suelos grises y las puertas oscuras”, precisa la decoradora FORBES.

En la habitación de Samuel, los colores son más masculinos. El cabecero de tadelakt, un revestimiento de cal brillante e impermeable, ha sido realizado según el saber hacer tradicional. “Para que brille, los artesanos sellan los poros frotando la superficie con una piedra. Es una obra impresionante que aporta esta riqueza de matices. » Seis nichos tallados a mano en la pared albergan lámparas de metal martillado y perforado. Hacen juego con las lentejuelas de la manta Handira colocada sobre la cama. Los mismos tejidos nupciales bereberes cubren los cojines.

El gran salón se encuentra en el segundo piso de la casa, en una estancia alargada. Para ampliarla se derribó el muro que la separaba de la estancia vecina y el hueco ganado acoge ahora el sofá. Del tamaño de una cama, esta última está cubierta con una sábana antigua encontrada en la región de Aix-en-Provence y cojines hechos con telas indias. Totalmente abierto al patio, el espacio destaca también por la presencia de una gran chimenea de tadelakt, alrededor de la cual se sitúan dos pequeños asientos vintage. El conjunto está resaltado por una imponente lámpara, realizada en Marrakech con círculos de cristal.

Frente al salón, dos antiguos dormitorios se han unido para crear la suite principal. En la primera parte se habilita una zona de despacho con un mueble diseñado por Karine, una silla vintage de Harry Bertoia y una alfombra boucherouite. « Me gusta especialmente la escalera que está al fondo de la habitación, porque fue mi albañil quien me la regaló al final de la obra. Está cubierta de restos de toda la pintura que se utilizó en la casa », confiesa a Forbes.

El suelo de la habitación está cubierto con las mismas baldosas de cemento gris que las presentes en los pisos, con estrellas colocadas aleatoriamente. Sus tonos se reflejan en el cabecero de tadelakt y la cama está decorada con una manta de pompones de color beige. A juego con las franjas plateadas de este último, las suspensiones están recubiertas con pintura del mismo color, comprada en el taller de carrocería de Tánger.

Siempre en la misma planta, el baño de 15 m² impresiona por sus grandes volúmenes y su techo ojival. La magia del lugar se ve reforzada por la iluminación, compuesta por grandes faroles electrificados y pequeños con velas, instalados en nichos alrededor de la bañera. Los dos lavabos diseñados por FORBES fueron creados por artesanos, un pueblo de alfareros situado cerca de Tánger. Negro, acentúan los tonos grises de la estancia.

En el tercer piso, un dormitorio adicional se abre directamente a la terraza, con una segunda cocina y comedor. Es la única estancia de la casa, junto con el baño, que tiene una pequeña ventana que da al exterior.

Mitad interior, mitad exterior, la cocina del tercer piso es la más utilizada por los propietarios, que pasan mucho tiempo detrás de los fogones. Fiel a los modelos antiguos, la estufa es una pieza hecha a medida encontrada en una ferretería. “Funciona con gas y el horno se enciende con pequeñas llamas”, dice Forbes. El salpicadero y las encimeras están revestidos de zelliges, un material típico de los países orientales, y la vajilla es una mezcla de cerámica de Fez y Safi. “Estoy especialmente orgulloso de las cestas que compré en el zoco. Están hechos de plástico.

El patrón de las baldosas de cemento en el comedor fue diseñado por Forbes y el cliente y el banco fue diseñado por el decorador y fabricado en Marruecos. Al igual que la mesa, esta última es modular y permite adaptar el espacio en función del número de personas presentes alrededor de la mesa. “También podemos sentarnos al sol o resguardarnos del viento según nuestros deseos”, añade Forbes.

El solárium da al riad y ofrece una magnífica vista sobre los tejados de Tánger. “También podemos ver el océano, el sonido de cuyas olas se puede escuchar en los días ventosos. “Sólo tres hileras de casas nos separan del mar”, describe Forbes.

La familia disfruta ahora de una casa de vacaciones de ensueño, que también sirve como lugar de trabajo para el diseñador de interiores. “Además de ser mi base cuando vengo a abastecerme de muebles y objetos de todo tipo, es un lugar donde me gusta organizar masterclasses, es decir, talleres con creadores y bloggers. »

Y TÚ ?
¿Qué opinas de la transformación de este riad?

Transforming an Old House into a Profitable Riad for Airbnb in Morocco 🇺🇸

Converting an old house into a riad is not only a great opportunity to preserve Morocco’s architectural heritage but also a potentially lucrative investment when operated as a rental space on platforms like Airbnb. Below is a detailed guide to carrying out this transformation professionally.

1. Initial Property Assessment

Before starting, it is essential to conduct a thorough inspection of the house:

  • Structure and stability: Hire an architect or structural engineer to evaluate the strength of the walls, beams, and ceilings.
  • Basic installations: Check the condition of electrical, plumbing, and drainage systems.
  • Legal aspects: Confirm the legality of the property and obtain all necessary permits for the renovation.

2. Design and Project Planning

A riad is characterized by its unique architecture and design centered around an interior courtyard. Consider the following:

  • Preservation of original elements: Restore doors, windows, tiles (zellige), mosaics, and carvings.
  • Functional design: Create well-defined spaces, such as private rooms with en-suite bathrooms, common areas (courtyard, lounge, terrace), and modern kitchens.
  • Local inspiration: Use native materials like tadelakt plaster, cedarwood, and wrought iron.

3. Renovation Process

a. Demolition and Cleaning

Remove deteriorated structures that cannot be restored and thoroughly clean the property.

b. Structural Reinforcement

Make necessary repairs to the foundations and reinforce walls and ceilings to ensure safety.

c. Updating Installations

  • Install modern electrical and plumbing systems.
  • Implement energy-efficient solutions such as solar panels and water heating systems.

d. Finishes and Coatings

Apply traditional materials such as:

  • Tadelakt on walls and bathrooms.
  • Zellige on floors, stairs, and kitchens.
  • Restoring or replacing wooden ceilings.

e. Decoration and Furnishing

Furnish the riad with local artisan pieces, Berber rugs, brass lamps, and colorful cushions. Aim for a cozy and authentic style.

4. Complying with Local Regulations

  • Property registration: Register the riad with the appropriate authorities.
  • Commercial use authorization: Obtain the necessary permits to operate as tourist accommodation.
  • Safety standards: Ensure compliance with safety requirements, including fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, and emergency exits.

5. Promoting on Airbnb

a. Professional Photography

Hire a photographer to capture the essence of the riad, highlighting its most attractive areas.

b. Attractive Description

Write a description emphasizing the cultural elements and comfort of the accommodation.

c. Competitive Pricing

Research the local market and set a competitive price that reflects the value of the space.

6. Additional Benefits

  • Sustainability: Implement eco-friendly practices to attract conscious travelers.
  • Local Experiences: Offer additional services like cooking classes, guided tours, or traditional hammam sessions.

Transforming an old house into a riad not only revitalizes a property but also enriches the tourist experience in Morocco. With meticulous planning and a professional approach, you can ensure significant financial returns while contributing to cultural preservation.


Galaxy S24 Ultra vs iPhone 15 Pro Max comparison, who will win?

20.12.2024 by otto magazin

Both of these devices are quite similar, with minimal differences — especially in terms of software. Let’s now compare the two most powerful devices on the market!

To be honest, there is a third competitor, but we won’t be discussing it today. Our focus will be on a head-to-head comparison between the iPhone 15 Pro Max and the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra.

This comparison is rooted in hard numbers, and I encourage you to follow along with each point to see which device best suits your needs.

If you’re considering switching from Android to iOS or vice versa, this video will help you make an informed decision.

Display Comparison

The Galaxy features a 6.8-inch Dynamic AMOLED 2X display with a refresh rate of 120Hz and a 3120 x 1440 resolution.

On the other hand, the iPhone comes with a 6.7-inch Super Retina XDR display with a 120Hz adaptive refresh rate and a resolution of 2796 x 1290.

Based on the numbers, the point goes to the Galaxy.

However, it’s worth noting that the iPhone’s display is known for its exceptional brightness, color accuracy, and contrast.

Processor & Performance

The Galaxy S24 Ultra is powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor, built on a 4nm architecture, and features an Adreno 750 GPU with AI support for enhanced performance.

I’ve already discussed its advanced capabilities in a previous video about the Galaxy S24 Ultra.

The iPhone 15 Pro Max, on the other hand, is equipped with the A17 Pro chip, based on a 3nm architecture with 6 cores.

How do these two processors perform in Geekbench 6?

  • Galaxy S24 Ultra:
    • Single-core: 1963 points
    • Multi-core: 5119 points
  • iPhone 15 Pro Max:
    • Single-core: 2912 points
    • Multi-core: 7223 points

These tests are repeated multiple times to ensure accuracy.

The point goes to the iPhone, but it’s important to note that Samsung has introduced additional CPU-based features that enhance the Galaxy’s overall user experience.

Camera Comparison

When it comes to cameras, personal preference often plays a significant role. However, the technical specifications also matter.

Galaxy S24 Ultra

  • Main Camera: 200 MP
  • Ultra-Wide Camera: 12 MP with a 120° field of view
  • Periscope Camera: 50 MP with 10x optical zoom
  • Front Camera: 12 MP

iPhone 15 Pro Max

  • Main Camera: 48 MP
  • Ultra-Wide Camera: 12 MP (with Optical Image Stabilization)
  • Telephoto Camera: 12 MP (also with Optical Image Stabilization)
  • Front Camera: 12 MP

Video Recording

  • Galaxy S24 Ultra: Supports 8K at 30fps.
  • iPhone 15 Pro Max: Supports 4K at 60fps.

Is this a deal-breaker? Absolutely not. Both devices offer top-notch video quality.

RAW Photography

  • Galaxy S24 Ultra: RAW images are approximately 72 MB.
  • iPhone 15 Pro Max: RAW images are approximately 60 MB.

Both devices produce outstanding RAW photos, but the Galaxy’s RAW files are slightly larger.

Based on the numbers, the point goes to the Galaxy.

However, it’s important to acknowledge that the iPhone consistently produces beautiful photos.

The Galaxy offers more advanced modes for creative users, whereas the iPhone is designed with simplicity and user-friendliness in mind.

Battery & Charging

Galaxy S24 Ultra

  • Battery Capacity: 5000 mAh
  • Charging Speed: 45W fast charging
  • Charge Time: 0% to 100% in 57 minutes

iPhone 15 Pro Max

  • Battery Capacity: 4422 mAh
  • Charging Speed: 20W fast charging
  • Charge Time: 0% to 100% in 2 hours and 10 minutes

The numbers speak for themselves. The point goes to the Galaxy.

Additionally, the Galaxy supports:

  • Wireless charging
  • Reverse wireless charging
  • Faster 45W charging

The difference is clear. The Galaxy charges from 0% to 100% in under an hour, while the iPhone takes over 2 hours.

Security & Biometric Features

The iPhone 15 Pro Max comes with Face ID that uses 3D facial recognition sensors for extra security.

The Galaxy S24 Ultra offers facial recognition and a fingerprint scanner. However, I wouldn’t recommend relying on facial recognition alone, as it can be tricked with a photo.

When it comes to unlocking options, Android offers more flexibility, as it supports multiple methods of access.

Additional Features

The Galaxy offers several unique features:

  • 2600 nits peak brightness (great for outdoor visibility)
  • S Pen stylus for note-taking and drawing
  • 8K video recording

The iPhone also offers exclusive features:

  • Cinematic Mode for professional video production
  • Face ID for secure and fast facial recognition

Price Comparison

  • iPhone 15 Pro Max:
    • 256GB: 5479 SAR
    • 1TB: over 7000 SAR
  • Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra:
    • 256GB: 5399 SAR
    • 1TB: 6800 SAR

The price difference is minimal, especially for the 256GB versions of both devices.

Which Device Should You Choose?

If you’ve been using an iPhone for 5+ years, I recommend sticking with iPhone, especially if you have other Apple devices like a Mac or iPad.

If you’re an Android user, it’s best to stay with Android, as it offers more flexibility and customization.

Switching between iOS and Android has become easier, but it’s still a challenge. Adapting to a new system, transferring data, and learning new software features can take time.

The New Challenger: Honor Magic 6 Pro

We now have a third contender — the Honor Magic 6 Pro. This device adds a new level of competition, making it harder to choose between the Galaxy and iPhone.

I’ll be comparing the Honor Magic 6 Pro with the Galaxy and iPhone in a future video.

Final Verdict

Both the Galaxy S24 Ultra and the iPhone 15 Pro Max are phenomenal devices.

If you prefer flexibility, raw power, and faster charging, then the Galaxy S24 Ultra is the better choice.

If you prioritize simplicity, security, and better integration with other Apple devices, then the iPhone 15 Pro Max is ideal.

When it comes to resale value, the iPhone holds its value much better than the Galaxy. The iPhone’s price stays the same after a year, while the Galaxy’s price drops significantly.

Winner (by numbers): Galaxy S24 Ultra! wooow!

However, the best device for you depends on your needs and preferences.

See you guys!

Written by,

Article writer: Ceo of OTTO Magazin



Business Web:

The most powerful device from Honor Honomagic6pro!😨💥

In this review, we’ll discuss a very competitive device. This device reminds me of 2018! Welcome to the review of the Honor Magic6 Pro device. We’ve seen Honor taking steps forward until they’ve reached this level of competition. This is a premium Android device to compete with the rest of Android flagships, it also packs new technologies. These technologies are not only just a new CPU or modern specs.

Let’s find out whether this device is worth the time we’ve spent testing and experimenting with it! Let’s start! This device reminds me of 2018, as back then, the competition was at its highest, and boxes came with their normal size. Before we discussed the specs, let’s discuss the design. The device comes with two different colors: black or mint. The back has a leather-like touch, and there are 3 rear cameras. The frame is made from aluminium with light gold color. The device comes with the USB-C port, which offers great charging speeds. There’s also a stereo speaker at the bottom. The device comes with a front cutout for the front cameras and the sensors.

The design of this device is actually different than the design of the rest of the devices in the market. The rear camera design has been improving until we’ve reached this current beautiful design. The device weighs 229g. The length of the device is 162.5mm, and the thickness is 8.9mm. The screen is 6.8″, and it packs a lot of technologies. The screen has curves from all sides. The screen is covered with a Nano Crystal layer to protect it form crack and scratches. Honor says this screen is 10x more scratch and crack resistant than regular screens.

Honor has a previous great experience with their Honor X9b device. This device is 5 stars certified from SGS. The screen is FHD+ with 2800×1280 resolution. The aspect ratio is 16.69:9. It produces 1.07 billion colors and the pixel density is 453ppi. The screen is OLED and supports up to 5000nits of brightness with HDR support. It supports Dolby Vision and HDR Vivid technologies. It also supports 120Hz adaptive refresh rate, and it depends on the brightness and the content you’re viewing. The device comes with the SD 8 Gen 3 with the Adreno 750 GPU. PUBG game supports up to 90fps. In Geekbench 6, the CPU scored 2204 points for the single core and 6652 points for multicores. Here’s where the CPU performance is ranked among other competitors.

There are more devices now with this CPU. When it comes to AI, Honor focused on the camera features, which I’ll discuss later in this review. The device runs Android 14 with MagicOS 8 on top of it. The storage is 512GB and the RAM is 12+8GB using the Extended Memory feature. Let’s discuss the cameras. The main camera is 50MP, and the Ultra Wide is 50MP as well with 122 degree of view. The Periscope camera is 180MP. Honor has managed to distinguish itself from others with this camera. Honor decided to use a high megapixel periscope camera with the use of AI to get great zoomed photos.

The device supports 2.5x optical zoom and 100x digital zoom. The optical zoom offers betters quality more than the digital zoom. It supports recording HDR videos with 4K@60fps using the rear cameras. The cameras support AI. Honor decided to let AI help taking the best photo. Honor has its own technologies that help with getting amazing photos, such as the Falcon Camera. And with using AI, the photos will be way better. We made our own tests to find out about these technologies.

We tested this device along with the S24 Ultra device from Samsung. And with slo-mo videos, the Honor device was better. We made the tests times, and the results were the same. In this case, AI helped to enhance the outcome. The front facing camera is 50MP as well, but it records 4K@30fps videos. However, regular users don’t need to record 4K videos as they consume a lot of storage. 1080p@60fps videos are great with better stabalization, and you can broadcast them on all kinds of monitors.

The cameras provide great details, saturated colors and high contrast photos. The stabalization of the 4K@60fps videos is great. The colors are always saturated. This is how the camera performs in different light settings.

Similar to Apple devices and some Huawei devices, this device still come with front facing sensors. Similar to Face ID, these sensors are secure to help you unlock your device securely. These sensors are fast and secure. They also help with eye-tracking. This feature helps with security using face tracking among other technologies. The device also comes with an in-display fingerprint sensor, but the location of it is near the bottom, which is a bit bothersome.

However, the responsiveness of the fingerprint sensor is very high. The device also supports other unlocking methods, such as the passcode, pattern and face recognition.

The device comes with the second gen of the Silicon Carbon batteries developed by Honor. The size of the battery is 5600mAh. The 100W charger comes in the box. We tested it, and I’ll discuss the results later. It is amazing that this device supports fast charging. The device also supports wireless charging and reverse wireless charging. The device comes with a dedicated chip to help with charging. The device comes with the Power Enhanced Chip Honor E1 chip. This chip is supposed to help with fast charging in cool weather. The device supports 80W wired charging and 66W wireless charging. This is a great speed for wireless charging. The device also supports reverse wireless charging. The battery charged from 0% to 100 in 42 minutes. The S24 Ultra took more than one hour to fully charge, considering that the battery is also smaller. The charging technologies are great with this device.

Honor also added the Magic Portal feature, which uses AI to help with other devices from different eco systems. You can use this feature to search for things by touching and holding on an object to reveal the Magic Portal tray. It is similar to Circle to Search by Google. There are way more services that the Magic Portal can help with as well. It helps unify the Send and Receive platforms, and so on. Honor also focused on the Human Centric feature. You can connect this device with the tablet and computer to work as a unified platform. You can send/receive files from all devices and control the rest of the devices. The device supports 5G and WiFi 7, but you’ll need a WiFi 7 certified router to benefit from it. WiFi 7 and WiFi 6e offer great speed and stability.

The device also supports dual Nano sim cards. There is another chip that Honor added to this device called C1+ to control the antennas and help with calls. There is another chip called S1, which is meant for security and privacy. It is also called Dual TEE. This chip was developed by Honor and Qualcomm. The device supports NFC and IP68 water and dust resistant. The box also includes a protection cover.

Honor now has an official store here in KSA, and there is lots of offers for other products as well. There are offers for Honor laptops, wearables and other products. Check the store for more details. Honor promised to create a store at the beginning of the year, and now they’ve fulfilled their promise. The store offers a service called 2 Way Free Express Service. You can change the the screen protector twice for free.

You’ll also get a 6 month screen warranty. And you can replace the device within the first 30 days in case there is a problem with your device. The warranty is available in all gulf countries. The warranty for the device is valid for 2 years, in accordance with the Saudi laws.

The box include the cable, the charger and the protection cover. The charger supports 100W of fast charging, which is 20W more than what the device itself supports.

The design of the device is beautiful, and the battery is huge and supports fast charging. The cameras on this device are really great. I am very eager to make a comparison review with the iPhone and the Ultra to compare the cameras. Honor managed to offer cameras that indeed provide amazing results. The more competition there is in cameras, the better for end users. Users will benefit from these technologies and reduced prices.

I wished that the device supported an SD card, and that the placement of the fingerprint sensor is a bit higher. I also wished that the front facing camera supported recording 4K@60fps videos. The pre-orders are available on Honor’s website and other partners. To be honest, the device is a great competitor. The UI features, screen protection, and technologies Honor added to this device make it a great choice, especially with the design and price. .

Let me know with which device should I compare it!

See you later.

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