Blog 15: September 24, 2020 at 11:30 am, by

This is an LG NanoCell TV, and I’ll be mounting it on wall, It should be pretty fun – especially in a big room size, The large TV will fit perfectly.
Razor cutting noise Unboxing the TV is easy enough, LG makes it easy with just one piece of tape along the top, And then 6 of these little black plastic things that hold the two halves of the cardboard together.
Once each of those are out the two halves can fall apart and the TV is very well protected with a bunch of white Styrofoam, and a giant metallic bag…which keeps the aliens tStartMs : 110500, from commandeering the TV during transit.
So inside the box, the TV does come with little legs of its own, but we are going to mount it to the wall to kind of keep it out of arm’s reach and to have it, you know, a little more permanent and out of the way.
So the back of this mammoth TV has 4 screw holes. And then over here I’ve already put the bracket in place. And then the bracket is the thing that clips onto the wall.
The little black spacers are to make sure that the screws don’t go through too far or too deep, because if they go too deep they might damage the screen.
Now the whole wall will almost be black, So if you were going to install this TV in like a theater room or something, normally you want the TV to be eye level with wherever you’re sitting so you’re not straining your neck to like look up at it or anything like that.
But since this is going in an area where people are going to be standing for one, and if there’s lots of kids around, we want it to be at least four and a half feet from the ground.
So we’re going to install it a little bit higher than we normally would in your theater room.
Alright, so we have currently found the center of the wall and we have the height that we want the top of the mount to be, Now we’re just going to level the mount so the TV will be level and we’re done with it.
If The wall is made out of concrete blocks, which is a totally different ball game, There is a carbide tip drill bit and we’re using a hammer drill to make the holes for the bracket.
The difference between a hammer drill and a regular drill is that a regular drill just turns around, an hammer drill actually hammers at the same time it’s rotating – which is extremely useful when we’re trying to go through concrete.
So, I’ll put a piece of tape around the drill bit so I don’t actually drill too deep.
Now, The mount is currently hanging on the wall. It has been tested to 500 pounds, The bolts we put in there are way beyond that, and the TV only weighs 115.
So we should be plenty safe up there, Now it’s time to lift it up and hang it before.
So one thing that is nice about hanging it is that there are these little Styrofoam things on the sides. You don’t want to put too much pressure on the screen as you’re lifting it up.
Most of the pressure needs to be underneath and behind because those are much more structural and not as fragile.
So at the beginning of this Blog, I said this was a NanoCell TV, which means it’s a bit different technology than what we’ve seen on OLEDs in the past.
This particular technology is made up of a nanoparticle filter which kind of refines the projected image and makes what you see right here in 4K.
That nanoparticle filter is able to filter out and reduce the impure colors and just leave behind the true\ncolors that are more vivid and color accurate.
It’s similar to the LCD screen technology\nwhere it has the projected image in the front, and a back light behind it.
The back light is still LED so it’s still power efficient and has realistic colors, and still projects its 4K image at 120 hertz Which, if you’ve been paying attention to modern cell phones, 120 hertz is a really fast refresh rate.
Plus, with the speakers built directly into the TV right behind the image, it gives the sound.
That same NanoCell technology with the nano particle filter in front can be condensed down to display even more pixels, 8K resolution has quadruple the pixels of a 4K screen, which is pretty impressive.
And NanoCell is more economically priced than some of the other TVs that we’ve seen.
So if you’re looking for a massive TV for your home theater setup or living room, NanoCell might just be the way to go.
Since there’s not a whole lot of content that’s actually filmed in 8K resolution, LG has stuck in an A9Gen3 AI processor that does the upscaling from regular 1080p or 4K images and kind of changes them into 8K.
See you later đź‘‹