Why does a Mario game sell for $2 millionâ“đŸ€šApple monitors iCloud photos❗ New WhatsApp setup❗ and More

16.08.21 at 00:00 am

A new scam on WhatsApp that you should be careful from, and Huawei won’t give up on the smartphone market.

Samsung’s new devices will be released soon, amidst sadness for the Note series, and How to earn millions of dollars from your old devices? and Apple will check your private photos on your devices.

Hello guys, bring your coffee and let’s start this second part news article of today:

Huawei won’t give up on the smartphone market despite the shrinking of its market, They’re still developing new technologies, They’ve recently announced their new P50 series, I personal think that Huawei is capable of competing with what they’re doing now.

They put a lot of effort to stay competitive, and they don’t want to lose their position in the market, In 2015, Huawei wasn’t that competitive, But in 2019, before the sanctions, they were a huge competitor.

It’s logical for them to have a low profile now but keep presenting themselves in the market, It’s also logical to keep releasing new devices so that they can have their comeback soon, And when it’s time for their comeback, they won’t have to rebuild their reputation again. Huawei is still competing, and I think it is very healthy for the market.

We received a question in the TUF device’s review, The comment asks which device is best for gaming?

I receive this question a lot; it depends on your budget and the games you want to play.

The TUF device is excellent in the mid-range category, Had you told me your budget and the games you want to play, I would’ve given you a more precise answer.

Another question: does this device connect with PS4 or 5’s controllers without needs cables?

Yes, it supports PS and Xbox controllers using apps like Steam. Samsung’s event is approaching.

Another question from someone asks me to make a comparison between Windows and Linux, This comparison wouldn’t be fair for the audience.

This kind of comparison is very niche, There are other webs dedicated for programming and Linux in general, The audience of these channels also enjoy the reviews, But my audience is different.

Note lovers are sad! The last Note released from Samsung was back in 2020. Note 20 Ultra is one of the best devices in the Android world. It’s the best Note ever. No other device with a stylus can compete with it. Next year’s Note will be powerful, Because it’ll combine technologies from this year and the next year, which is excellent, its price could be on point, too, But now, we have to experience the Foldables from Samsung.

We’ll find out whether they replace the Note or not, For me, I’ll try the fold experience and let you know the results.

You’ll find reviews about these devices on the OTTO Magazine in the upcoming days, i am very excited to start experimenting with these devices.

Let me know your questions about these devices so that I can include them in the reviews, These devices are supposed to last with users for years.

Scammers are all over the internet. There’s no stoping for them, The only solution to stay alert and not to trust anyone on the internet, Users started to receive messages from people they don’t know asking them to send them money or they’ll close their WhatsApp account, it is illogical for someone to close your account.

The new method is that these scammers add you to a group with lots of users in it, and then they report you, after receiving a number of reports, your account will be deactivated for 60 days.

After that, you can restore it, This is possible, but there’s a solution:đŸ€«

Go to the app, settings, privacy, groups, Then select contents, You can also make exceptions for some of your contents, You should do this step to stop people you don’t know from adding you to groups.

This method will stop them from doing this to you, If you receive a notification like this, you’re not obliged to join the group, it’s your choice. Don’t enter groups you don’t know.

God protect you😍

We all have old devices that we’d like to sell to gain millions from them, A version of the Super Mario Bros game was sold for $2 million.

We all wish that we had old technologies that we can sell for millions of dollars, But how is that possible?

I receive lots of questions about old devices and whether I am interested in buying them or not, my answer don’t please most people.

How can I evaluate. my old device?

Imagine you have a game that costs 2 million dollars?

If the game of the device were popular in the market, then its value will be halved, Rare games and devices have higher value, and those popular devices and games have lower value.

So, now its value dropped to $250K, Let’s assume the device is never been used before, Here, we know that its value is protected, But if it was used even for once, then its value will drop significantly, it might drop to $300. This is shocking.

Ebay is one the ways where you can evaluate your devices, You’ll find lots of products there, Rare items have a high value, But once the box is opened, the price will drop, Is this logical? đŸ€š

Let me know in the comments, and this is the Best Sellers in Nintendo 3DS & 2DS Consoles, Games & Accessories:🧐

A comment asking us to increase the number of News articles review, I honestly wish that, I am trying to increase the content, but 2 news articles per week is satisfactory, Let me know what you think.😍

Apple will release a new feature where it’ll allow it to scan your photos in iPhone and iCloud, This feature uses hashes to decide violence against kids, But they also thought of users’ privacy with this feature.

The feature is basically algorithms trained with 200K photos, Apple knows exactly what they’re doing, Algorithms will detect hashes in photos that contain violence, And then authorities will be notified.

According to reports, Apple wants to change their encryption standards, Appel devices and safe and encrypted, This new feature hasn’t been released yet. We’ll find more details about it soon.

Encryption will change from end-to-end to surveillance and censorship. Surveillance and censorship will be part of their devices, The more I read about this topic, the more shocked I am.

I am against violence against children, and this feature is excellent, But a tech company surveils my device? Never happened before.

Especially that this new feature will roll worldwide not just in the US, I’ll make a review about it once I finish my research, The feature is not available yet.

There’s a lot of discussions about this feature, I am against violence against children. May Allah protect our children.

But a tech company surveils our devices? I hope Apple won’t change their encryption.đŸ€Ą

I will provide more details in the upcoming articles guys, See yo later.😍

Written by:

Otto M Yassine

CEO of OTTO Magazine