December 12-2020 at 11:00 pm

What should you do to to become the CEO of the biggest tech company in the world, with millions of dollars of profit every minute?
Let’s find out about Tim Cook, bring your coffee, This is your host, OTTO Magazin, and in this article, we’ll know details about Tim Cook. This is Tim Cook, He’s the current CEO of Apple.
The previous CEO was Steve Jobs, who have put Apple on the map again multiple times, He was born in the 1st of November 1960.
His father was a worker in a military and factory, and his mother used to work in a pharmacy.
He graduated in 1982 with a license in Industrial Engineering, He then worked with IBM for 12 years.
He started his tech career with IBM, He then became the CEO of Intelligent electronics.
He was then the Vice President of Compact company, which specialized in making accessories for IMB computers, Which he worked with for 12 years.
In 1996 he was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, that’s why he’s passionate about donating for patients with this disease.
In 1998, he joined Apple, He joined as a senior Vice President to manage international business.
He started with a different approach by closing their factories, and instead, he agreed with other companies to manufacture their products.
He did this to save money, and he succeeded in it, He also participated in donating for Obama presidential campaign in 2008 and 2009.
Tim Cook helped Steve Jobs (Apple’s CEO) while he was sick, He was informally the CEO of Apple since 2009.
He was officially the CEO of Apple in 2011, He had a strong friendship with Steve Jobs, and when he was diagnosed with Pancreas cancer, he wanted to donate part of his liver to save him.
Steve Jobs refused even though their tissues matched, which is rare, Steve Jobs refused the idea.
In 24th of August 2011, he’s officially become the 7th CEO of Apple, He was then chosen to be one of the 100th influencing CEO, according to the Time magazine.
He hates to make media interviews as he values his privacy, He’s been like this since he was elected to be Apple’s CEO.
He values his privacy and personal life, He doesn’t want to be in the spotlight.
He wakes up at 4:30 in the morning and starts thoroughly scheduling his day, In 2014, he was chosen to be the best influencer by Financial Times magazine.
He schedules his entire week in Sunday’s night, In the west, Saturdays and Sundays are the weekend, so at Sunday’s night he schedule a meeting to plan for his week ahead.
He stated to the media about his homosexuality, He thinks the basis of leadership depends on people, which include strategies and implementation, And if these three things are correct, then everything will go as planned.
He cares about his health and fitness, and he prefers cycling and mountain climbing, it is called hiking.
Let’s now discuss financials:
In 2015, he said that all his stocks in Apple will go to charity.
His stocks are worth $120 millions, but this is not his entire wealth, With being the CEO of Apple, his charity and Apple’s charity have increased a lot.
Part of Apple profit from products that come in red colors go to charity called Product Red, Part of the profit from these products go to the Product Red charity in which its main purpose is to fight AIDS in some African countries.
You can visit their official website, It is clear that their charity goes to fighting diseases.
Tim Cook’s heath is immense, His fortune is $785 million, It three quarters of a billion dollar.
His wealth is immense, so donating $120 millions is nothing to him. In 2015, he was awarded with the greatest leader in the world prize.
He’s the current CEO of Apple, and he’s done lots of things in the past years.
During his era, and after Steve Jobs, Apple has come out of the box regarding the policies and brand, This is the current state of Apple.
see you in the next article news.